The School Commission serves as consultative body for the pastor and principal on matters concerning the operation of the school. An attitude of teamwork, cooperation, unity and mutual respect is required for effective service. The overall roles of the school commission are classified in four (4) major categories: Planning, Monitoring, Policy-making and Communicating. Additional functions of our local Board include the development of annual goals and objectives, recommendations to the pastor on the hiring of school administrators, the approval of the education budget, and the establishment of yearly tuition fees. Please use the links at the top to see who is currently serving on the commission and who is eligible to serve, to view meeting minutes, and to view committees and their roles. School Commission meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month during the academic year at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room of the church.
School Commission Membership Qualifications Commission members serve on behalf of the entire membership of the parish. They do not serve on the commission to advocate a single issue or set of issues. Commission members are registered adult members of the surrounding parishes who are practicing Catholics. They are persons of integrity who have a genuine interest in and a strong commitment to the vision of the ministry.
The commission chair is a member of the parish who also meets the requirements: for parish pastoral council membership (i.e., must be an active parishioner). The pastor and the administrator are non-voting, ex-officio members of the commission and its committees. The pastor ratifies (or vetoes) all formal actions of the commission. Members are either elected by the parish or appointed by the pastor. The term of office is three years with no more than two consecutive terms allowed.
Approximately one-third of the members’ terms expire each year. The commission is a working group of five (5) to fifteen (15) members (an odd number). Other persons may serve on subcommittees and task forces of the commission. Members are appointed or nominated for election based upon the skills, interests and expertise they can bring to the commission. Membership also reflects equitable representation of parish membership (i.e., gender, race, age, occupation, etc.)