St. Charles School makes every effort to provide an affordable, quality, Christ-centered education for our students. The cost to educate each student exceeds the total tuition and fees that are assessed to each student’s account. This means every student is granted a discounted tuition. In addition, scholarships, financial aid, and institutional aid are awarded to students based on need and available resources.
The majority of the school’s income comes from student tuition and fees. The school cannot fulfill its mission or provide fundamental school operations unless the obligations of every student are met in a timely manner. Therefore, it is imperative that each family pays all tuition and fees (collectively, “Tuition”) per the terms of the FACTS payment plan the family selected.
Recognizing various circumstances may impact a family’s ability to pay Tuition in a timely manner, all families receiving a “Past Due” Facts notice are encouraged to contact the school's main office to request a Payment Agreement to satisfy its financial obligations.
30 Days Past Due A “Past Due” letter will be sent to any family with Tuition more than 30 days past due.
A copy of the Tuition Collection Policy will be enclosed with the letter. A late fee of $25.00 will be added to the student’s account.
60 Days Past Due A “Past Due” letter will be sent to any family with Tuition more than 60 days past due.
The student will not be permitted to participate in any School events or extra-curricular activities (including, but not limited to, dances, sports, clubs, band, musical/play, etc.).
A late fee of $25.00 will be added to the student’s account. This late fee is in addition to the $25.00 added at the 30 days past due time.
90 Days Past Due A “Past Due” letter will be sent to any family with Tuition more than 90 days past due.
The parent portal will be put on “hold”. This means the family will be unable to access current marking period grades or prior semester grades.
The enrollment removal process will begin. This means the student will not be permitted to attend classes after the last day of the current marking period.
A late fee of $25.00 will be added to the student’s account. This late fee is in addition to the $25.00 fees added at the 30 and 60 days past due times.
Enrollment Removal Process Any student with an outstanding balance that extends beyond 90 days will have their enrollment suspended at the end of the current grading period. A letter will be mailed to the family via certified and regular mail verifying that the student is no longer eligible for enrollment The letter will state the amount owed and payment date. The letter will state the last date the student will be permitted to attend classes unless the stated amount is paid in full.
The student must turn in all classroom materials (including, but not limited to, text books, Chromebook, classroom equipment, etc.) and student identification card to the Office on the last day of their classes.
Payment for the full student account balance must be secured from the family or an equitable Payment Agreement must be established to satisfy the student account balance before the enrollment process can be reinstated.
Transcripts, Graduation and Post-graduation Policy If any outstanding balance remains on a student’s account, the School (in accordance with Diocesan Policy) reserves the right deny the student participation in school activities and/or to withhold the student’s transcript. Once the student account balance is paid in full, the transcripts will be released.
Payment Agreement If serious financial concerns would necessitate deviating from the standard Facts Agreement offered through the FACTS tuition payment system, the School may offer to establish an alternative payment plan with the family. This would be at the discretion of the School and would take into account the tuition balance, the family’s financial situation, the number of remaining months until the school year is completed, and any extenuating circumstances facing the family. The Payment Agreement would include an expectation that the full account balance be paid by the end of the current fiscal year. If the family breaches the Payment Agreement, the enrollment process stated above would be cancelled. The School then reserves the right to enforce any or all the terms and conditions stated in the Payment Agreement.
Past Year Student Account Balance Facts Agreements for returning families with a prior year outstanding student account balance or breached Payment Agreement, will not be finalized until all past due balances are paid in full. Student attendance will also be denied until all past due balances are paid in full. Outstanding balances shall include all fees required to complete the registration for student’s enrollment for the coming school year.
In all cases, the School reserves all rights, at law or in equity, to collect any past-due Tuition. This may result in referring your account to a collection agency or pursuing legal action.
Approved by the St. Charles School Commission February 10, 2021